Thursday, December 19, 2013

I have been lucky enough recently to be interviewed by Lisa from and it's just gone live on her website. Thank you so much for the opportunity Lisa .. it's been fun ! Have a great summer holiday too.
Ceramic Artist Renee Boyd Design is the latest to join our conversation. Find out what in-spires her and why she loves working with clay. Go to 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Here are some more photo's from the fun photo shoot at my place last week 
I have added a few photo's taken from  Jacinda Boyd Photography of my vases too and in the previous post of the new leaf / bead sets she shot.
A big thanks  to my sister  on a lovely job 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ceramic white leaf sets mixed with hand formed bone china beads . 

These ceramic leaf sets are strung together with hand formed bone china beads 
The beads are a beautiful matt glaze and the white leaves have a smooth satin feel to them. These beads have black raised spots and hand drawn lines of ceramic pencil
To find out more info please visit my
 Bigcartel page
 Facebook page 

I have been very fortunate to have my sister Jacinda Boyd Photography recently do a photo shoot at my house. The first 4 images are hers. They look great ... lucky me .
If you would like to view her other exciting work please click on the link to check it out !

Green leaves mixed with pencil lined bone china beads
detail of green leaf / beads set

white leaves with dots and lines beads made from bone china 

Close up view

Close up detail of beads

Gold dots / white raised dots

White leaf set with gold dots 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I'm sorry for the long time between posts, but I've have been busy designing new things and looking after my 2 year old boy so thing have been hectic.
I have just started an online store for my leaf drop sets.
I will be adding more things as I go along so feel free to email me if there is anything you are interested in and I can pop it up online for sale.
If you would like to check it out the link is

renee boyd design

there is also a link to it  from my facebook page too


In other news I'm adding to my life and time series with some free standing table sculptures with similiar designs
of the layering of leaves and flower buds. I will put some photo's up soon of the making process. Its very exciting covering new shapes with leaves and petals and trying to make some new glazes for them.